

This category contains 3 posts

Joss Whedon Talks About Clark Gregg’s Expanded Role In The Avengers And More!

The director discusses his “man crush” on actor Clark Gregg, letting slip that Agent Coulson has a much larger part to play this time around, as well as revealing that the movie is keeping him up at night and more…
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 Whedon said in a recent interview with MTV News“It’s great, he’s been weaving his way through every movie and I really get to play with him and have [him do] a lot of stuff. There were things that during the writing, I was like, ‘I need something more here… Oh, Coulson!’ and he just, he comes up every time. Clark is such a wonderful guy but also such a precise actor. The whole troupe is so amazing, I’m actually surprised.”

“I have reached the top, I’m going down the other side, I’ve just realized my Sherpa guide is frozen to death and several of my toes are missing,” he added when asked about how work is progressing on the movie so far. “But we are on our way down.”

As for how he’s feeling, Whedon revealed that he’s not yet got to the point where his thoughts about the movie are invading his dreams, but they are keeping him up at night! “I don’t dream, I just think about coverage while sleeping, and then I wake up four hours later. It is an enormous task. It’s not daunting in the sense of any kind of responsibility except the responsibility I always have, which is ‘Will the audience respond to this? Have I given as much as I can? Have I made the actors do as much as they can? Have I made them comfortable? Does it all track as a movie?’ The complexity of this giant puzzle sort of wakes you up at 2 a.m. pretty much every night.”

“I’ve encouraged people to come to set because people assume they can’t. For my own self, I try to get my wife there,” he admitted.“She doesn’t really like being on set because it’s sort of dull, and occasionally I import a friend just to have that touchstone of someone who knows who I am. Everyone is wonderful, but they’re all new, and when you’re in the thick of it you need someone to go, ‘You’re not crazy.’ “

Dublin Movie Festival To Screen A New Trailer For The Avengers?

According to the city’s Cineworld Cinema, as well the official site for Dublin City’s annual Movie Fest, exclusive footage for several forthcoming blockbuster films, including The AvengersThe Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man to name a few, is said to debut for their Irish attendees.

Running over a weekend at the giant Dublin Cineworld, the inaugural Movie Fest promises preview footage, behind the scenes clips and recorded greetings from actors and directors. The programme also includes exclusive trailers from upcoming blockbusters such as ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn’, ‘Batman: The Dark Knight Rise’, ‘The Avengers’ and ‘The Amazing Spiderman’. Each day has a completely different line-up with at least two full film premieres.

“The footage, greetings and trailers will be completely different [from SDCC] on both days. The Amazing Spider-Man is being released by Sony Pictures, so that footage is on Sunday. The Avengers is being released by Disney/Marvel, the 3D trailer for that is on Saturday.”

At the moment, you may take this with a pinch of salt. However, with things kicking off tomorrow, we’ll know sooner than later. Anyhow, check out the full schedule here!

Joss Whedon Video Interview Discussing The Avengers

Watch an interview with Joss Whedon discussing The Avengers. He once again debunks Ant-Man rumours.

“You know, I’m really not allowed to say what happens in the movie, but I can say that it’s not true. Ant-Man is NOT in the movie.”

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The Avengers is an upcoming American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was announced in April 2005 and is based upon the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. The film is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that crosses over several Marvel superhero films including Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011) and Captain America: The First Avenger (2011). The film is written and directed by Joss Whedon and stars Robert Downey, Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans. The Avengers is scheduled to be released on May 4, 2012, in 3D.

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The Avengers News! is a fansite dedicated to the upcoming film from director Joss Whedon. We aim to bring you coverage from the upcoming film s it breaks. No affiliation with © Marvel Comics / Paramount Contact me at coreyharris8934[@]yahoo.com